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ICBL-CMC Newsletter: 10th Edition (October 2013)
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-- ادناه -- نشرت مجلة الحملات الدوليه التي تصدر في سويسرا نشاطاتنا على المستوى الوطني - وتفاعل الجهات الحكوميه مع فعالياتنا - لقاءاتنا الايجابيه مع معالي وزير العمل الدكتور نصار الربيعي - ومعالي وزير البيئه المهندس سركون لازار - مع التركيز على انجازات دائرة شوون الالغام وتفاعل مديرها العام الاستاذ عيسى الفياض معنا بايجابيه -- وركزت المجله على قرار دعم الحكومه من قبل دائرة الالغام بمنح معوقي مخلفات الحروب منحه 5 ملايين دينار لمن يرغب الزواج لكلا الجنسين
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عضو التحالف الدولي ضد مخلفات الحروب - ICBL-- CMC
-f/moaffak alkhafaji
skype/ moaffak alkhafaji
تحيه طيبه
-- ادناه -- نشرت مجلة الحملات الدوليه التي تصدر في سويسرا نشاطاتنا على المستوى الوطني - وتفاعل الجهات الحكوميه مع فعالياتنا - لقاءاتنا الايجابيه مع معالي وزير العمل الدكتور نصار الربيعي - ومعالي وزير البيئه المهندس سركون لازار - مع التركيز على انجازات دائرة شوون الالغام وتفاعل مديرها العام الاستاذ عيسى الفياض معنا بايجابيه -- وركزت المجله على قرار دعم الحكومه من قبل دائرة الالغام بمنح معوقي مخلفات الحروب منحه 5 ملايين دينار لمن يرغب الزواج لكلا الجنسين
مع التقدير
موفق الخفاجي
عضو التحالف الدولي ضد مخلفات الحروب - ICBL-- CMC
-f/moaffak alkhafaji
skype/ moaffak alkhafaji
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Jump to: • Cluster Munition Coalition News • International Campaign to Ban Landmines News • Other News • National Campaign News | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Cluster Munition Coalition NewsZambian Presidency Calls for Africa-Wide and Universal Cluster Munition Ban at Global Treaty Meeting
The meeting, which took place 9-13 September 2013, marked the first time the gathering of States Parties to the Convention has been held in Africa. President of the Treaty, Zambia, called for Africa-wide adherence to the cluster bomb ban and expressed a strong commitment to bringing all countries on board the lifesaving Treaty. Alongside reports of progress on stockpile destruction, clearance and victim assistance, the large number of states that condemned or otherwise expressed concern about the use of cluster munitions in Syria in 2012 and 2013 was of particular note. For more information, including daily summaries, CMC statements, press releases and links to photographs from the week, please see the CMC's 4MSP webpage. 2013 Cluster Munition Monitor![]() A Monitor report briefing for delegates to the Fourth Meeting of States Parties to the Convention on Cluster Munitions in Lusaka on Tuesday 10 September featured a welcome from Blakemore and in-depth presentations by Wareham, casualties and victim assistance editor Loren Persi, clearance and contamination team leader Atle Karlsen, and final editor Jeff Abramson. Resources including profiles of every country in the world, plus maps and tables accompany the report online at www.the-monitor.org. Saint Kitts and Nevis joins global cluster bomb ban
St. Kitts and Nevis' accession brings the total number of countries on-board the lifesaving humanitarian treaty, to 113. The Convention will enter into force for Saint Ktts and Nevis – the 84th State Party to the ban – on 1 March 2014. Syria Joins Chemical Weapons Treaty but continues using banned cluster munitions on civiliansSarah Blakemore, Director of the Cluster Munition Coalition (CMC), welcomed Syria's accession to the 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention in a Huffington Post blog last month, but cited the recent cluster munition strikes in al-Tabqa and Naemeh as a poignant reminder that the Syrian government continues its horrific use of cluster munitions, amongst other banned weapons. To date, 113 governments have spoken out against Syria's use of cluster munitions. Blakemore called on the Syrian government to take heed of this firestorm of international condemnation, immediately halt use of cluster munitions and take steps toward joining the Convention on Cluster Munitions, prioritizing the protection of civilians during and after this terrible conflict. Outcry at US for not ruling out the use of cluster bombs in possible military strikes in SyriaPrior to international diplomatic efforts culminating in Syria acceding to the international treaty banning chemical weapons, the US had attracted international outcry by not ruling out the use of cluster bombs in possible military strikes in Syria. During the period of threatened strikes on Syria, the CMC, and its member organisations across the world, called on all countries already on-board the Convention on Cluster Munitions to help ensure these horrific weapons were not used in any military action in Syria. US Export of cluster bombs to Saudi Arabia at odds with international ban treatyThe announcement in August that the US has agreed to supply cluster munitions to Saudi Arabia is at odds with the international treaty banning these weapons. Neither the United States nor Saudi Arabia have signed the Convention on Cluster Munitions, which prohibits the production, transfer, use, and stockpiling of cluster munitions. CMC global day of action marks 3 years of success for the Convention on Cluster Munitions
Read the full story and check out the report on the CMC 1 August webpage to find out about the variety of ways cluster bomb survivors and campaigners around the world marked the global day of action. Liechtenstein bans direct and indirect investments in cluster munitionsOn 1 September 2013 the Principality of Liechtenstein put into place a ban on direct and indirect investments in cluster munitions. The ban was enacted the same day Liechtenstein officially became a State Party to the 2008 Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM). The Principality acceded to the Convention on 4 March 2013, followed by a mandated six-month period before the comprehensive ban on cluster munitions entered into force. The country is the ninth in the world to ban financial investments in cluster bombs, through national legislation. Currently, nine states have taken legislative measures to prohibit investments in cluster munitions and 27 countries have made interpretive statements indicating that investments in cluster munitions are or can be seen as prohibited by the Convention on Cluster Munitions. During the Fourth Meeting of States Parties to the Convention on Cluster Munitions in Lusaka (Zambia), Ghana spoke out for the first time on disinvestment declaring that it considers investments to be prohibited by the Convention. Denmark, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Switzerland also made statements reiterating their position and status with regards to their national legislation on disinvestment. For more information, see the summary on disinvestment on the 4MSP CMC website. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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International Campaign to Ban Landmines NewsInternational campaign urges no use of antipersonnel landmines in Syria
The ICBL welcomed Syria's accession to the 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention on 14 September 2013 and with it the obligation to destroy its stockpile of chemical weapons. This is a step in the right direction but Syria should not stop there. The government needs to cease its use of all weapons banned by international humanitarian law, including antipersonnel mines, cluster munitions, and air-dropped incendiary weapons used in concentrations of civilians. ICBL gravely concerned about use of antipersonnel mines by Nagorno-KarabakhThe International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL) is deeply disturbed by recent information indicating that the army of Nagorno-Karabakh is actively laying antipersonnel mines. The ICBL has called on the authorities of Nagorno-Karabakh to immediately halt this new use of antipersonnel mines and to remove all mines that have been emplaced. States Parties to the 1997 Mine Ban Treaty should condemn this use and encourage an immediate cessation to mine laying, ICBL says. Workshop in Tajikistan to finalize mine clearance operationsOn 17-18 September Monitor Researcher Mike Kendellen represented the ICBL at the EU/ISU Workshop on Article 5 of the Mine Ban Treaty in Dushanbe, Tajikistan. The purpose of the workshop was to review Tajikistan's progress in meeting its Article 5 2020 clearance deadline. The over 50 participants included the European Union, the Implementation Support Unit (ISU), UNDP, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, the Tajikistan Mine Action Center, various government offices and the three demining operators in Tajikistan: Norwegian People's Aid (NPA), FSD and the United Sappers of Tajikistan. The workshop focused on survey needs, capacity as well as national ownership, land release methodology and the technical challenges in clearance operations. Data shared at the workshop indicates Tajikistan has a larger remaining landmine problem than previously reported as well as identifying future funding gaps the government will need to address. Tajikistan is expected to have a draft plan for clearance completion available for comment by the 13th Meeting of States Parties. The plan will be finalized by States Parties at the Convention's Third Review Conference, taking place in Maputo, Mozambique in June 2014. ICBL visits Taiwan to celebrate landmine clearance achievements
Nearly 110,000 landmines and unexploded ordnance have been cleared by Taiwan. Although Taiwan is not a signatory to the international Mine Ban Treaty owing to its international status, it did enact the Antipersonnel Landmine Regulations Act on 14 June, 2006, which required the government to clear all landmines within seven years (but allows it to retain the right to use landmines). As of June 2013, the Ministry of National Defense R.O.C. (MND) declared clearance of all known minefields on outlying islands. To mark this event, Eden Social Welfare Foundation hosted a series of activities, including an international seminar on the mine ban in Taiwan with the participation of high ranking officers from MND, ICBL representatives and campaigners, and a walk through the cleared minefields in Kinmen in commemoration of those who were injured or killed by landmines. >> Read more | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Other NewsGovernments meet in Brisbane to identify a road map for a Pacific free of unexploded ordnance
The Pacific Regional ERW Workshop was jointly hosted by ICBL-CMC member organization Safe Ground (recently renamed from the Australian Network to Ban Landmines and Cluster Munitions), and the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat with support from Australian Government Overseas Aid Program. Survivors bring crucial voice for victim's rights and full implementation of Mine Ban Treaty and Convention on Cluster Munitions
In response to requests from national campaigns, and with support from Norway, the ICBL-CMC created the Survivor Network Project in 2012, to provide targeted financial and technical support to survivor networks. Read about the survivor networks supported during the first year of the project and how many of these are already showing impressive results. Bangkok Symposium on enhancing cooperation and assistance
Japan Campaign to Ban Landmines (JCBL) steps down from ICBL-CMC Governance Board
While JCBL is no longer an ICBL-CMC board member, ICBL-CMC looks forward to continuing its collaboration with the Japan Campaign to Ban Landmines. KEY DATES TO LOOK OUT FOR:
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National Campaign NewsAfghanistan: Afghan Landmine Survivors' Organisation (ALSO)
Contact: Rahmatullah Merzayee, ALSO, rmerzayee.also@gmail.com Canada: Handicap International (HI)
Around 30 volunteers made this event a great success; 80 Facebook deminer pics were posted; more than 650 signatures were gathered; and lots of media coverage received. Watch some of the events from the day here (in French): http://bit.ly/GZLmDv Contact: Jérôme Bobin, HI, jerome.bobin@handicap-international.ca Canada: Mines Action Canada (MAC)
In addition to discussing progress on ending the suffering caused by cluster munitions with governments and other organizations, MAC sponsored five young campaigners to attend the meeting. In total, seven young campaigners from Afghanistan, Brazil, DR Congo, Nepal, Norway, and Spain participated in the Meeting of States Parties. These new campaigners joined MAC staff to evaluate and plan the next phase of the Youth Leadership, Education and Action Program. Young members of Handicap International's Ban Advocate team also participated in the discussions to strengthen the link between campaigners in the two programs and to find ways to collaborate in the future. The young campaigners also assisted with side-events and media outreach as well as participating in advocacy efforts and meetings with governments. MAC staff also filmed a roundtable discussion of mine clearance experts from Mines Advisory Group and Norwegian People's Aid guided by questions from the Youth to Youth (Y2Y) Network – the video is being edited and will be shared with the Y2Y Network upon completion. Contact: Erin Hunt, MAC, erin@minesactioncanada.org Chile: Centro Zona Minada
The legislative bill proposed in October is a key step for Chilean victims. The law would provide financial compensation, the right to and replacement of prosthetics, reimbursement of medical expenses, and funeral grants. The legislation would also allow victims to enroll in the Register of Victims of Military Explosives, and certification of disability. Civil society, including a range of victim and survivor groups and a voluntary team of lawyers and medical doctors, have been sharing their experience as well as documentation and testimonies, and consultation is ongoing. The different survivor groups in Chile do not currently agree with some of the provisions of the proposed draft bill, and await the opportunity to further input in the legislative process, especially with regards to benefits for victims. Additional information in Spanish: Contact: Elir Rojas Calderón, Centro Zona Minada, elir.rojas@gmail.com Colombia: Colombian Campaign to Ban Landmines (CCCM)
Meeting participants included key representatives from the Colombian Campaign to Ban Landmines (CCCM), a lawyer, and psychologists from Handicap International (HI). Through the meeting, a number of factors were identified as barriers preventing victims of landmines from accessing care. These included lack of awareness and training in prevention, care and rights, limited attention given in health facilities, lack of pycho-social support, and the high cost of medication. Contact: info@colombiasinminas.org El Salvador: Jesús Martínez
France: Handicap International (HI)
Over 50,000 people signed a petition urging all States to join the lifesaving conventions banning landmines and cluster munitions and for governments to immediately contribute to clearance and victim assistance efforts. More than 4,000 volunteers were mobilized throughout France for the event, which was attended by tens of thousands of visitors and gained wide media attention. In Paris, Raed Mokaled, an HI Ban Advocate and father of a cluster bomb victim from Lebanon, attended the shoe pyramid as a special guest. Mokaled shared his story with the Parisian public, and called for continued advocacy for the global bans on landmines and cluster munitions. Contact: Camille Gosselin, HI, cgosselin@handicap-international.org India: Indian Campaign to Ban Landmines & Cluster Munitions
Contact: Balkrishna Kurvey, Indian Campaign to Ban Landmines, bkurvey@yahoo.com Iraq: Iraq Alliance of Disabled Organisations (IADO)
On 4 July, IADO met with the Director of Iraq Mine Action (DMA), along with a representative from UNICEF and the Director of Media at the Ministry of Environment to discuss progress made on a database of survivors in several provinces which could aid in the collection of statistics and help survivors access job opportunities, loans, and prosthetics support. IADO is advocating for a country-wide survivor database. The organization is also pushing for development of accessible infrastructure for all persons with disabilities and the continued engagement and participation of survivors in the national discourse around landmines and cluster munitions. The Iraq Mine Action (DMA) has reportedly announced cash grants for landmine and cluster munition survivors seeking to get married. Contact: Moaffak Alkhafaji, IADO, maffak62@yahoo.com Laos: Handicap International Laos Ban Advocates
Ban Advocate Mr. Bounmy Vichack, spoke on his experience as a victim of cluster munitions and the needs of survivors in Lao PDR as well as those from other countries. He called on the government to provide more support to the victims of UXO, and for continued international cooperation and assistance to support the Laos government in doing so. Contact: Seevanh Xaykia, seevue@handicap-international-laos.org South Korea: Peace Sharing in Korea (formerly Korea Campaign to Ban Landmines)On 20 June 2013 the National Defense Committee of the Korean Parliament held a public hearing on special legislation regarding compensation for civilian mine victims in the country. During the hearing, Korean Campaign to Ban Landmines (KCBL) Coordinator, Jai-kook Cho and landmine survivor Jong-soo Kim delivered statements emphasizing the importance of the legislation. While many law makers present at the hearing agreed on the necessity of providing adequate compensation for civilian mine victims, government officials pointed to legislative challenges hindering the process. In support of the special legislation and as a reminder of the hardship experienced by survivors, the KCBL staged the exhibition, "Peace Sharing" for civilian landmine victims. The exhibition was shown at a number of venues engaging a range of audiences including provincial assembly members and officials, parliamentarians, public figures, students and landmine survivors. Contact: Jai Kook Cho, Peace Sharing in Korea, jaikookcho@yahoo.com South Korea: Weapon Zero and partners
The campaign has been calling on the South Korean government to stop investing in cluster munitions and join the Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM), using a range of creative mediums since 2010. Contact: Seungho Park, wzeropeace@gmail.com US: Lynn Bradach, Handicap International Ban Advocate (BA)
US: Proud Students Against Landmines and Cluster Bombs (PSALM)/ West Virginia Campaign to Ban Landmines and Cluster Bombs (WVCBL)
The West Virginia Campaign to Ban Landmines and Cluster Bombs and PSALM students invite campaigners to submit photos of their campaigns for an art exhibition to be held in West Virginia titled, "A World of Difference." The campaign seeks to illustrate the great diversity of the campaigns from all corners of the globe and the scope of the work to ban landmines and cluster bombs. If you would like to participate, please send Nora a photo with a caption and the name of the photographer so they may be credited. Please also include a mission statement, quote or description of your campaign and brief background. The photographs can range from activities to composed group photos. Photographs of the final exhibition to be held later in the year will be shared. The deadline for photo submissions is 15 December 2013. Contact: Nora Sheets, PSALM, noracat@yahoo.com US: Donate to the ICBL through the Combined Federal CampaignAs part of the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), the world's largest workplace charity campaign, U.S. Federal employees can donate now to support the ICBL's global campaign and reduce the devastating effect landmines have on thousands of communities worldwide. To support the ICBL, enter CFC designation code 55130. Yemen: Yemen Mine Awareness Association
Participants in the Saana workshop included representatives from relevant government ministries, the UN Development Program, a variety of civil society disability and human rights organizations and survivors. Outputs from the meeting included a joint letter to the National Dialogue Committee, parliament and the Presidential Office. The letter highlighted the urgency for Yemen to accede to the Convention on Cluster Munitions, in order to access technical expertise, address clearance issues and provide assistance to victims. In addition, a committee of NGOs and government officials was formed to follow up on government steps toward Yemen's accession to the cluster bomb ban. Contact: Aisha Saeed, Yemen Mine Awareness Association, aisha.saeed45@yahoo.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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![]() To make an online donation to the ICBL-CMC visit: http://www.icbl.org/index.php/icbl/Donate-Now http://www.stopclustermunitions.org/donate/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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