National Campaign News
Afghanistan: Afghan Landmine Survivors' Organisation (ALSO)
 Panelists at roundtable interview © ALSO | |
ALSO, in cooperation with the advocacy committee for the rights of persons with disability members and the Department of Mine Clearance (DMC), participated in a live roundtable interview on Arianna TV. ALSO members urged the government to take bold steps for effective implementation of the Convention on Cluster Munitions during the interview, which took place on 20 August 2013 and marked the third anniversary of Convention's entry into force.
Canada: Handicap International (HI)
|  Another shoe is added to the 7th Pyramid of Shoes in Montreal, as part of the day of mobilisation against landmine and cluster munitions © Handicap International |
Handicap International Canada organized its 7
th Pyramid of Shoes in Montreal on Saturday 28 September. Under a generous sun, people mobilized against landmines and cluster bombs through various activities such as demining workshops, a "rehabilitation path," petition signing, wheelchair basketball matches, and a Facebook "deminer photo booth."
Around 30 volunteers made this event a great success; 80 Facebook deminer pics were posted; more than 650 signatures were gathered; and lots of media coverage received. Watch some of the events from the day here (in French):
Canada: Mines Action Canada (MAC)
Paul Hannon of MAC addresses the Youth Leaders with Ken Rutherford, co-founder of the Landmine Survivors Network © CMC | |
From 9-13 September, Mines Action Canada was in Lusaka, Zambia, with the Cluster Munition Coalition (CMC) for the Fourth Meeting of States Parties to the Convention on Cluster Munitions.
In addition to discussing progress on ending the suffering caused by cluster munitions with governments and other organizations, MAC sponsored five young campaigners to attend the meeting. In total, seven young campaigners from Afghanistan, Brazil, DR Congo, Nepal, Norway, and Spain participated in the Meeting of States Parties.
These new campaigners joined MAC staff to evaluate and plan the next phase of the Youth Leadership, Education and Action Program. Young members of Handicap International's Ban Advocate team also participated in the discussions to strengthen the link between campaigners in the two programs and to find ways to collaborate in the future. The young campaigners also assisted with side-events and media outreach as well as participating in advocacy efforts and meetings with governments.
MAC staff also filmed a roundtable discussion of mine clearance experts from Mines Advisory Group and Norwegian People's Aid guided by questions from the Youth to Youth (Y2Y) Network – the video is being edited and will be shared with the Y2Y Network upon completion.
Chile: Centro Zona Minada
|  Calderón and survivors give media interviews Chile victims © Centro Zona Minada |
In August, Chilean campaigners attended a presentation by Rodrigo Hinzpeter, the Minister of Defence, on the law of reparation and rehabilitation of victims of landmines, and other unexploded ordnance, UXOs and cluster munitions.
The legislative bill proposed in October is a key step for Chilean victims. The law would provide financial compensation, the right to and replacement of prosthetics, reimbursement of medical expenses, and funeral grants. The legislation would also allow victims to enroll in the Register of Victims of Military Explosives, and certification of disability.
Civil society, including a range of victim and survivor groups and a voluntary team of lawyers and medical doctors, have been sharing their experience as well as documentation and testimonies, and consultation is ongoing. The different survivor groups in Chile do not currently agree with some of the provisions of the proposed draft bill, and await the opportunity to further input in the legislative process, especially with regards to benefits for victims.
Additional information in Spanish:
Colombia: Colombian Campaign to Ban Landmines (CCCM)
Meeting participants discussing barriers to accessing care for landmine victims in Arauca © CCCM | |
On 28-29 September 2013, close to 100 survivors gathered to form the Association of Survivors of Landmines, Unexploded Devices and the Armed Conflict in Arauca, Colombia. The association will help ensure prevention training on the issue of landmines; work for the rights of survivors; and form a collective undertaking activities that generate income and providing care and support for victims.
Meeting participants included key representatives from the Colombian Campaign to Ban Landmines (CCCM), a lawyer, and psychologists from Handicap International (HI).
Through the meeting, a number of factors were identified as barriers preventing victims of landmines from accessing care. These included lack of awareness and training in prevention, care and rights, limited attention given in health facilities, lack of pycho-social support, and the high cost of medication.
El Salvador: Jesús Martínez
|  Jesús Martínez, Director of ICBL-CMC member organization, Network for Survivors and Persons with Disabilities – El Salvador, with ICBL-CMC staff member, Amelie Chayer © ICBL |
On 23 September, the United Nations General Assembly convened the High-level Meeting on Disability and Development (HLMDD) titled "The way forward: a disability inclusive development agenda towards 2015 and beyond." Ahead of the meeting ICBL-CMC spoke with campaigner and victim assistance advocate, Jesús Martínez, on the importance of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) for all persons with disabilities, including landmine and cluster munition survivors.
France: Handicap International (HI)
 Member of the public adding to the Pyramid of Shoes in Paris in support of landmine and cluster munition victims. © Handicap International | |
Handicap International's (HI) 19
th Pyramid of Shoes took place on 28 September in around 30 cities across France. This annual event is aimed at raising awareness and mobilizing interest around landmines and cluster munitions, for the general public (particularly young people), media and policy-makers. Members of the public were invited to build a Pyramid of Shoes in support of landmine and cluster munition victims as well as to learn more about the issues through clearance demonstrations and exhibitions.
Over 50,000 people signed a petition urging all States to join the lifesaving conventions banning landmines and cluster munitions and for governments to immediately contribute to clearance and victim assistance efforts. More than 4,000 volunteers were mobilized throughout France for the event, which was attended by tens of thousands of visitors and gained wide media attention.
In Paris, Raed Mokaled, an HI Ban Advocate and father of a cluster bomb victim from Lebanon, attended the shoe pyramid as a special guest. Mokaled shared his story with the Parisian public, and called for continued advocacy for the global bans on landmines and cluster munitions.
India: Indian Campaign to Ban Landmines & Cluster Munitions
| German exchange student Martina Ruth Rehm, during her placement with the Indian campaign © Indian Campaign to Ban Landmines and Cluster Munitions. |
As part of a youth exchange program, Martina Ruth Rehm from International Physicians for Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) in Germany, visited the Indian Campaign to Ban Landmines and Cluster Munitions in August 2013 for a two-month placement. In addition to describing the role and status of Germany in the banning of landmines and cluster munitions, Martina also spoke with her Indian counterparts on disarmament, and advocating for India's accession to the Mine Ban Treaty and the Convention on Cluster Munitions.
Iraq: Iraq Alliance of Disabled Organisations (IADO)
 Representatives from IADO met the Minster of Labor Dr. Nassar Alrubye, to discuss issues regarding the needs and rights of PWDs ©IADO | |
IADO continues to work with the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Iraq Mine Action, Ministry of Environment, and provincial government to advocate on the issue of landmines and cluster munitions, and particularly on implementation of comprehensive victim assistance legislation.
On 4 July, IADO met with the Director of Iraq Mine Action (DMA), along with a representative from UNICEF and the Director of Media at the Ministry of Environment to discuss progress made on a database of survivors in several provinces which could aid in the collection of statistics and help survivors access job opportunities, loans, and prosthetics support. IADO is advocating for a country-wide survivor database. The organization is also pushing for development of accessible infrastructure for all persons with disabilities and the continued engagement and participation of survivors in the national discourse around landmines and cluster munitions.
The Iraq Mine Action (DMA) has reportedly announced cash grants for landmine and cluster munition survivors seeking to get married.
Laos: Handicap International Laos Ban Advocates
|  Laos HI Ban Advocate Chanthava Podbouly gives a media interview in front of the HI exhibition ©Vilaxay Inthaxoum/HI |
Handicap International and the Lao Ban Advocates, together with the National Regulatory Authority for Unexploded Ordnance/Mine Sector (UXO-NRA) organized an event to celebrate the third anniversary of the entry into force of the Convention on Cluster Munitions. The event included exhibitions illustrating the UXO situation in Lao, presented by different organizations. Handicap International was present with an exhibition entitled
Trust Me; I'm a Survivor, along with a photographic exhibition of their work in Lao PDR.
Ban Advocate Mr. Bounmy Vichack, spoke on his experience as a victim of cluster munitions and the needs of survivors in Lao PDR as well as those from other countries. He called on the government to provide more support to the victims of UXO, and for continued international cooperation and assistance to support the Laos government in doing so.
South Korea: Peace Sharing in Korea (formerly Korea Campaign to Ban Landmines)
On 20 June 2013 the National Defense Committee of the Korean Parliament held a public hearing on special legislation regarding compensation for civilian mine victims in the country. During the hearing, Korean Campaign to Ban Landmines (KCBL) Coordinator, Jai-kook Cho and landmine survivor Jong-soo Kim delivered statements emphasizing the importance of the legislation.
While many law makers present at the hearing agreed on the necessity of providing adequate compensation for civilian mine victims, government officials pointed to legislative challenges hindering the process.
In support of the special legislation and as a reminder of the hardship experienced by survivors, the KCBL staged the exhibition, "Peace Sharing" for civilian landmine victims. The exhibition was shown at a number of venues engaging a range of audiences including provincial assembly members and officials, parliamentarians, public figures, students and landmine survivors.
South Korea: Weapon Zero and partners
Campaigners from Weapon Zero and other organisations at a press conference held in front of National Pension Service of Korea main office - the biggest investor in cluster munitions producers in South Korea, (NPS) © Weapon Zero | |
"Did you know your National Pension Fund is funding illegal weapons?" This is the title of a recent campaign by South Korea's Cluster Munition Coalition (CMC) member Weapon Zero and partners.
Weapon Zero is targeting the National Pension Service of Korea (NPS) as South Korea's largest investor in cluster munitions producers. The campaign aims to cease NPS's investment in companies producing this lethal weapon. South Korea hosts two cluster munition producers, Hanwha and Poongsan.
The campaign has been calling on the South Korean government to stop investing in cluster munitions and join the Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM), using a range of creative mediums since 2010.
US: Lynn Bradach, Handicap International Ban Advocate (BA)
Lynn Bradach began campaigning against cluster munitions following the death of her eldest son Travis, a United States Marine, killed 2 July 2003, by a cluster submunition while clearing unexploded ordnance in Iraq. On the 10
th anniversary of losing Travis, Lynn talked to the CMC about her work campaigning against this indiscriminate weapon so that other families don't suffer the same loss.
US: Proud Students Against Landmines and Cluster Bombs (PSALM)/ West Virginia Campaign to Ban Landmines and Cluster Bombs (WVCBL)
PSALM students: "We can stop cluster bombs and landmines" ©PSALM | |
PSALM have been preparing for their autumn and winter awareness raising events. In addition to celebrating the International Day of Peace with art, music and community awareness presentations, students will also be participating at the West Virginia University Health Science Center on 22 October for Global Health Day. WVCBL member, Dr. Larry Schwab will give a lecture on his experiences treating landmine injuries and his work with the campaigns to ban landmines and cluster bombs.
The West Virginia Campaign to Ban Landmines and Cluster Bombs and PSALM students invite campaigners to submit photos of their campaigns for an art exhibition to be held in West Virginia titled, "A World of Difference." The campaign seeks to illustrate the great diversity of the campaigns from all corners of the globe and the scope of the work to ban landmines and cluster bombs. If you would like to participate, please send Nora a photo with a caption and the name of the photographer so they may be credited. Please also include a mission statement, quote or description of your campaign and brief background. The photographs can range from activities to composed group photos. Photographs of the final exhibition to be held later in the year will be shared. The deadline for photo submissions is 15 December 2013.
US: Donate to the ICBL through the Combined Federal Campaign
As part of the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), the world's largest workplace charity campaign, U.S. Federal employees can donate now to support the ICBL's global campaign and reduce the devastating effect landmines have on thousands of communities worldwide.
To support the ICBL, enter CFC designation code 55130.
Yemen: Yemen Mine Awareness Association
| Cluster munitions workshop in Saana. ©Yemen Mine Awareness Association |
On 18 September 2013, the Yemen Mine Awareness Association, in collaboration with the Arab Human Rights Foundation, held a cluster munitions workshop in Yemen to raise public awareness on the dangers of cluster munitions and advocate for Yemen to accede to the Convention on Cluster Munitions.
Participants in the Saana workshop included representatives from relevant government ministries, the UN Development Program, a variety of civil society disability and human rights organizations and survivors.
Outputs from the meeting included a joint letter to the National Dialogue Committee, parliament and the Presidential Office. The letter highlighted the urgency for Yemen to accede to the Convention on Cluster Munitions, in order to access technical expertise, address clearance issues and provide assistance to victims. In addition, a committee of NGOs and government officials was formed to follow up on government steps toward Yemen's accession to the cluster bomb ban.